Food processing

Energy Efficiency and Cost Saving Opportunities for Distilleries

This Guide identifies best practices and technologies to increase energy efficiency in the distilled spirits industry. The guide focuses on most the most important systems, processes, and practices that account for the bulk of energy consumption including mashing and cooking, distillation, and byproduct processing operations. The information found here will help energy and plant managers identify energy and greenhouse gas reduction opportunities in their facilities.

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for Breakfast Cereal Production

The U.S. breakfast cereal industry consumes over $130 million on purchased fuels and electricity annually. This enegy guide discusses the variety of opportunities available at individual plants to reduce energy consumption in a cost-effective manner. The guide includes estimates of expected savings in energy and energy-related costs, based on case study data from real-world applications in breakfast cereal processing facilities and related industries worldwide.

Frozen Fried Potato Plant EPI

Use this tool to determine your frozen fried potato processing plant's ENERGY STAR 1 - 100 energy performance indicator score. The Energy Peformance Indicator (EPI) will help your company improve its energy efficiency by comparing your energy performance to similar frozen fried potato processing plants in the U.S. The spreadsheet includes instructions for using the EPI, a State of Energy Performance form, and a Facility Performance Report. Manufacturing plants that earn a 75 or higher using this EPI are eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR certification for superior energy performance.

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